Friday, October 2, 2009

The Alton Sylor Memorial Bridge over Joney Gorge in Angelica, NY is one of the modern wonders of this area. Constructed in the last several years the span is completely built of wood with its beams some 10' thick. I often wonder why DOTs around the US seem to ignore the majesty of bridges and give us the same old concrete Interstate Highway bridges ad nauseum. As you can see in the photo below it's a beautiful thing.

Here's my painting and I'm beginning, and I say just beginning, to understand water and how to paint it. With this painting I see a number of things I'd like to change and elements I simply missed. For instance, my placement of the rocks in the foreground doesn't exactly tell the story of the river and the rock shelfing that happens in this stretch. Also, I'm working on my values, the darkness and lightness, here too much is of the same value so I'll need to continue work on that.

I hope you enjoy this one, it took me awhile just to draw it, lots of details I just didn't see in the original photograph. Which reminds me that painting definitely improves your ability to see what's around you and appreciate the details.

What do you think? Is it a fair representation of the scene? What could I have done better?


Tess said...

I love the reflections in the water. Your painting is much more colorful and autumn feeling than the photo, which is an interesting interpretation. I agree that it would be a more interesting picture with water rock interaction portrayed, but this is very nice also.

Unknown said...

Love the reflection -- well done!